sábado, 27 de julio de 2013

You say goodbye and i say hello

Hello again Classmates.

Well this my last post in this blog, but when the english class finish this blog will be for to public my music and my art works J

When the english blog started, i was not sure in to write the thruth of me, my autobiography, my favourite artist , etc. But after of my first post, i felt confortable with this experience. Now, i enjoy when i write for you, i enjoy when tell you about me, about my workshop, about my music, i don’t know, is enjoyable. Read your experience is enjoyable too.
And... about my english....well, this blog and the post helped me to improve my english, but i need improve more! This is the challenge this year and the next semester.
I don’t think in this work (to write blogs) has disadvantages. The advantage of this work...well , this work is used for improve english.
I don’t have none suggestions , because i think blogging in the english class is great and enjoyable.
I enjoyed with this experience , i hope you too.
Well , like i said before, this is my last post ,this make me sad L
Ajajajajajajajajaja okey no , isn’t sad. With this post i will ask you
What is your opinion of my blog? Of my posts?

See you!

viernes, 12 de julio de 2013

Textile : My favorite subject

Hello Classmates, I’m back again
Well, today I’m going to talk about my favorite subject.
I’m studying arts and I have different subjects in my career. My minor is painting, but painting is not only subject in my career. My favorite subject is Textile. I like Crochet and Macramé, when I was a child I learned this disciplines but this year I discovered the Textile Art.
In the Textile class we learned to knit in Reps de Trama. Reps de Trama consists in assemble a warp in stretcher.
In this photograph you can see an example of Reps de Trama

Well with this method you can knit different drawings in the weave (yes you can drawing in your weave)

The contents of Textile Class :
 -Reps de Tram in 1 colour
 -Change the colour in horizontal
 -Change the colour in vertical
 -Change the colour in diagonal
 -Eccentric weave
 -Fabric ligament
-supplementary warp

With this ways of weave, you can make an art work!
Well classmates , Textile is my favorite subject because I love weave in all ways ! And through this I can to experiment with different technique and I can design my art works in upholstery
I invite you to try too J

Good bye classmates

jueves, 11 de julio de 2013

Darwinian Theory of beauty

Hello my dear people! Well , Laucha never dies ajajajaja i return today, is late but i return.
Mmmmm today I am going to talk about the video DARWINIAN THEORY OF BEAUTY

Well in this video Denis Duton talks about the experience of beauty by Charles Darwin, he try to explain this. The topic of Beauty is complicated because beauty is relative. He explains the theory of beauty: for this, the experience of beauty arise in the prehistory, from genetic memory . He says that theory of evols explains our tastes ,fears and disgust to certain things

Well this is the explication of taste for the natural beauty

But , what’s happen with the artistic beauty?

Well, Denis says that our joy for the artistic beauty, occurs because we consider beautiful a object that seems perfect. Those objects can be beauty because are simetric, then we find the beauty in perfection.

I agree with this video because i think the beauty is in our mind, the beauty is in our genetic memory . But when i saw the video , i understood that beauty is not inthe eye of beholder (i ever thought this) , the beauty is inside our minds

Good Bye J

viernes, 5 de julio de 2013

My favourite Artist

Hello Classmates , i'm back again 

Well, today i'm going to talk about mi favourite artist. For me is very difficult to talk about my favourite artist because i have so much. But is not always my favourite artist are painters, i don´t know. Well my dear readers, today , my favourite artists are Arpaviejas. Yes! Arpaviejas: a punk band. But I want to write about Jr Kubensis (vocals and composer)
Jr Kubensis is from Spain. In 2000 he begans to play the guitar and he write his first song. For him is not difficult to composite a song. He is a genius
2001…wow! In this year he formed Arpaviejas!
He is my favourite artist because his lyrics have a deep meaning, he use metaphors in his  songs. For me is very difficult to understand this lyrics, because y don’t understand his mind. But for me is funny to try to understand this lyrics because never know what I'll find. I 've been listening this songs for days!

I’m going to show you my favourite song of Jr Kubensis and Arpaviejas 

This is the song, this is the lyric, i think this song talks about a dear person for Jr , because he sais that this person is live only for his guitar , his memories. 

What do you think about this????