jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

My Auto Briography

Hi! My name is Francisca, i'm twenty years old. I was born on july 14, 1992 in Santiago. My mother works in a Bakery, My father is a dustman in a school. I have a brother, he's studing at AIEP. Sometimes i hate him . I'm Studing arts at Universidad de Chile and my minor is Painting. This is my third year at this university. I love Painting because through this, i can show you all my world. Hobby? i think i dont have a hobby, maybe my hobby is sleeping. I don't know. I love Punk and Metal, My favourite Metal band is Sodom and my favourite punk band is Piperrak. I like to write poems and i hate to read biographies. But...i hope to read your blog :)

That's it

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